Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Windsor, Photo by Mark Brown, County Health Unit, Windsor, Photo by Mark Brown,

Windsor-Essex health unit addresses concerns over March Break travel

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is sorting fact from fiction as most mask mandates are set to be lifted after March Break.

The Ontario Ministry of Health announced Wednesday that most indoor mask mandates will be lifted on March 21, the first work and school day after March Break. However, the health unit is addressing concerns some residents may have about removing mandates so close to that period.

Health Unit CEO Nicole Dupuis said Thursday morning that people planning to travel should continue using common sense to keep themselves safe and healthy.

"If you are planning to travel, we encourage you to assess your level of risk, as well as the level of risk in the location you will be visiting," said Dupuis. "Ensure you are up to date with vaccines and follow public health guidelines while you are away."

The health unit said that masks will still be required in some settings, such as long-term care and health care facilities. Private businesses will still have an option of asking customers to continue masking up as a condition of receiving service.

Dupuis said she understands that people are getting tired of the guidelines but she also reiterated that they are in place to protect members of the public and not to spoil their fun.

"We encourage everyone in our community to practice kindness overall, and show understanding that someone's outlook and approach may be different from your own," said Dupuis. "Remember, we do not know everything that's going on in someone else's life."

Acting Medical Officer of Health Doctor Shanker Nesathurai reminded residents once more that just because mask guidelines are being lifted, it doesn't mean the region is clear of the pandemic. He continued to stress handwashing, getting vaccinated, and staying home when sick as other ways to reduce the risk of falling ill.

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