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Marie and Joseph Ontario's most popular baby names of the past century

The Ontario government has released a list of the top baby names in 2017 and for the past 100 years.

"Choosing a name for your child is an important and personal decision for all parents," said Minister of Government and Consumer Services Bill Walker. "Having a baby is an unforgettable moment for parents, filled with overwhelming love and many sleepless nights."

If you are currently expecting, hopefully, you will not spend too many sleepless nights trying to come up with the perfect name. If you are, perhaps you will find some inspiration in the top five names for girls and boys in 2017.

Olivia, a Latin name meaning "peace" or "of the olive tree" remains popular, and topped the list of the most popular names for girls, followed by Emma, Charlotte, Ava, and Amelia.

The results for Southwestern Ontario varied only slightly.  Olivia and Emma still had the top two spots, Charlotte tied with Amelia for third place, and Ava and Hannah rounded out the top five.

For boys province-wide, the number one name is Noah. A Hebrew name of Biblical origin, Noah means "rest" or "repose". Liam came in second, and Benjamin, William, and Logan rounded out the top five.  In Southwestern Ontario, Benjamin came in number one, followed by Noah, Lincoln, Liam and Lucas.

Coincidentally, given the holiday season, the government said Marie and Joseph have been the most popular names for babies in the past 100 years.

For girls, Mary is second on the list, followed by Jennifer, Margaret, and Patricia.

Second on the list for boys is John, followed by Robert, Michael, and David.

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