Jason Brennan & Maria Katzer of Windsor, April 12, 2017. (Photo courtesy of the OLG)Jason Brennan & Maria Katzer of Windsor, April 12, 2017. (Photo courtesy of the OLG)

Renovations And Travel In Plans For Lottery Winners

A spur of the moment lottery ticket purchase nets a Windsor couple $100,000.

Jason Brennan says he and Maria Katzner took a trip to Leamington on a nice spring afternoon and stopped at the Circle K on Seacliff Dr. to get gas.

While Brennan filled the car, Katzner went in to buy a bottle of water and ended up purchasing an Encore ticket.

Brennan says he checked the numbers the next day.

"While I was checking I said to Maria, 'This could be the winner.' She replied, 'Yeah, right.' As I was checking the ticket I realized our Encore selection had six of the seven numbers. I told Maria and she thought I was joking."

The pair already have plans for their winnings.

"After paying some bills, we are planning to renovate our home," says Brennan. "We would also like to travel to New Orleans."

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