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Rats! What's With Them All?

Windsor Councillor John Elliott wants to know what's with all the rats in his ward, and why are they acting so weird?

Elliott says earlier this summer; he had many complaints from residents living on Barrymore, Wigle and Lena about an usually high number of rats that were crossing yards in the middle of the day.

And it's not just in the west end of the city. Service Supervisor at Abell Pest Control Tim Crone says he's getting up to five calls a day for rat infestations across the city.

Rats are naturally nocturnal, but Crone says they'll come out if they're hungry. He thinks it may have something to do with city's bylaw requiring hard-sided containers for garbage.

"Bags aren't left out like they used to be so they had an easier source of food," he says.

Elliott says the rats are not exactly hiding from residents either. They're just moseying through back yards.

"One lady, they were swimming, her and her son. The rat came right up around by the pool," he says. "They're coming out in broad daylight. One neighbour, he had caught 11 of them."

While one resident found a nest near his shed, Elliott wonders if the rats are passing through from somewhere else.

"I kinda made mention about the blighted houses because they're not too far. You know, one would think that maybe they could be coming from over there," he says.

Crone doesn't think that's likely.

"They have a fairly big range of up to 30 yards. There's been studies that say they could go up to 100 yards," he says. "But, ten blocks? No."

Elliott's asked administration for a report on where the rats may be coming from and ways to get rid of them, but he hasn't heard back yet. He plans to take another visit to the residents to find out if anyone from the city has come out to investigate the problem.

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