
United Way announces location of new Connection Centre in Wingham

United Way Perth Huron has announced the location of its Connection Centre in Wingham.

Executive Director Ryan Erb said the Connection Centre will be located in Trinity St. Paul's Anglican Church, just off the main street in Wingham, and will serve the Northern Huron community.

“The church will continue to operate as a church and share their space, so what is happening is the renovation is occurring in the basement of the building. So we're building washroom facilities, we're also building laundry services and office space,” explained Erb.

The Connection Centre will provide residents of the Northern Huron area support when they are experiencing homelessness or other challenges that marginalize them in some way.

“We also expect people who are un-sheltered to get some help there and be connected to services when they come," said Erb. "So the idea of the Connection Centre, besides meeting the emergency needs of people in the daytime, will be to help them connecting with local social services, whether that's addiction or mental health or legal services.”

They're hoping to have the Connection Centre open by next spring, but that depends on construction timelines.


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