Graphic supplied by Bruce Power. 2019Graphic supplied by Bruce Power. 2019

Bruce Power COVID-19 plan

A spokesperson for Bruce Power says the safety of the plants, the employees and communities is the number one priority through the COVID-19 situation.

John Peevers says a number of proactive measures.

"We have put together a response and planning team earlier this week that's looking at plans to guide our company and our employees," said Peevers. "A lot of that is looking ahead at staffing scenarios to make sure we can do everything we can to ensure we can deliver power to the province."

Peevers adds above and beyond extra cleaning and added sanitizing stations, there is increased communications with workers to provide guidance for travel, social distancing, self-isolation and encouraging electronic meetings where possible.

"The health units and government officials are the right place for people to go with questions and following their guidelines," said Peevers.

As of Friday, Huron Perth Public Health and Public Health Grey Bruce both confirmed there are no cases of COVID-19 in their areas of coverage.

The extra precautions at Bruce Power include the following: Creation of a response team to develop plans to guide the company, employees and everyone working on the Bruce Power site through the COVID-19 outbreak. Communicating frequently with employees with the latest developments on COVID-19 and the steps that need to be taken if they or a family member think they may have the virus. Communications with workers to provide guidance for travel, social distancing, self-isolation and encouraging electronic meetings where possible. The temporary closure of the Bruce Power Visitors’ Centre and cancellation the March Break Program at the centre. Employees at the Toronto office have been asked to work from home, all other employees are reporting to work as normal until further notice. Hand-sanitizer stations have been installed throughout facilities and more frequent cleaning of common touch surfaces has been implemented across site for items such as: turnstiles, doorways, monitors and time clocks. Access to the Bruce Power site and offsite building locations have been restricted to essential visitors only and we have implemented access restriction to the Main Control Rooms at Bruce A and Bruce B to increase social distancing and interactions with control room staff.

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