Travis Watson. General Manager, Goderich YMCA (Photo courtesy of Goderich YMCA)Travis Watson. General Manager, Goderich YMCA (Photo courtesy of Goderich YMCA)

Goderich Huron YMCA launches new membership model

The Goderich Huron YMCA is launching a new membership model.

General Manager Travis Watson says the goal of the new model is to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Watson says the new model is available starting on May 1st and it's program related. So that people will pay only for the programs they use. Watson says previously they worked on one price fits all model.

“Now we're moving to different tiered memberships. So if you're someone who just uses the wellness centre, you're an essentials member. If you're someone who uses group fitness classes or needs a little bit of assistance in getting a workout set up we have a Y-Thrive ninety-day workout program. That would be an enhanced member," Watson shared.

So, as Watson puts it, someone who uses the pool, including swimming lessons, aqua-fit would be a Y-Everything member.

“The rest of our Association, YMCA of Southwestern Ontario, has launched this model previously, so we are the sixteenth facility to launch this model and that will make sure that we're all one, that we're all using that same model, so we're really excited to be joining that," added Watson.

Watson adds, they're lucky because all of the other branches have been using it for a while and got all of the bugs worked out by the time they're using it.

Watson says more information people can call the Goderich Huron YMCA or go to the web site. Watson says one of the things that makes their program unique is that they do offer financial assistance through the YMCA Giving Campaign.

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