Bayfield downtown ( file photo)Bayfield downtown ( file photo)

Bayfield Named One Of The 'Friendliest Towns In Canada' has named the village of Bayfield the third Friendliest Town in Canada based on verified user reviews.

Bayfield Ward Councillor Bill Whetstone says most people who live in Bayfield or have visited won't be surprised by the vote but says the recognition is always gratifying.

Whetstone suggests the look and feel of Bayfield is unique and tends to rub off on anyone who visits the village. Part of that is because Bayfield residents tend to comfortably accept the role of ambassador, and that is reflected in the survey results.

Whetstone adds one of the unique aspects of a visit to Bayfield is the interaction between guests and servers on the main street.

He says it's not unusual to see staff asking visitors where they're from and what they've seen so far so that they establish relationships rather than just wait on their customer.

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