London Deputy Mayor Josh Morgan signs his nomination papers to run for mayor. May 26th, 2022. (Craig Needles, Blackburn Media)London Deputy Mayor Josh Morgan signs his nomination papers to run for mayor. May 26th, 2022. (Craig Needles, Blackburn Media)

Moving on up? Deputy Mayor Josh Morgan seeking top job at City Hall

London's Deputy Mayor is aiming for the top job, and has started his campaign with a big endorsement.

Josh Morgan, who is currently the councillor for Ward 7, officially filed his papers to run for mayor on Thursday at London City Hall. He joins Sean O'Connell as the only candidates for mayor so far.

Morgan was joined by former City Manager Martin Hayward, who spent 30 years working for the city, starting out as a custodian and working his way up to the role he retired from in January of 2020.

"There are things that council has started that we need to continue to work on," Morgan said to reporters gathered outside of City Hall. "This council has a great track record."

"Not only have we taken historic investments in housing, not only have we created a road map to 3,000 affordable units, we've also unanimously passed a climate emergency action plan, we have taken significant steps to address racism and equity, and we've done all that while adhering to a strong fiscal plan that has allowed the city to find millions in savings through service review, maintain our AAA credit rating, and deliver reasonable tax rates," he added.

Morgan, who is 44, threw his hat into the ring two days after Mayor Ed Holder announced he won't be seeking re-election.

"I have seen Josh in action. He's always been respectful, he has the character, he wants to work with people, he's very much a consensus builder," said Hayward when asked why he had decided to become a Senior Advisor on Morgan's campaign. "I've really appreciated the fact that he does his homework, I've really appreciated the fact that he will come and ask questions on subject matters that are complex so he will make an informed decision."

Hayward, while he worked at city hall, was unable to be active in electoral politics. Morgan asked him for his support now that he's retired, which he was happy to provide.

"I want to see London be the place that I love, I want to see that for my grandchildren as well, and my children," Hayward said. "I want them here in London wish us, and I want them to experience it the same way that I have, which is a city I love."

Morgan has been on council since 2014, when he was first elected in Ward 7.

He and his wife have four children.

Right now, he and Sean O'Connell are the only candidates for the job. O'Connell received 370 votes on the first ballot in the 2018 mayoral race.


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