A new electronic sign warns drivers when a train is crossing at the Adelaide Street rail crossing south of Oxford Street. Photo courtesy of the City of London. A new electronic sign warns drivers when a train is crossing at the Adelaide Street rail crossing south of Oxford Street. Photo courtesy of the City of London.

New signs alerts drivers when trains are crossing Adelaide St.

Train related traffic delays are a daily occurrence in London, but what if drivers were given a heads-up that allowed them to alter their route to avoid passing locomotives?

The City of London has launched a new travel display system that uses electronic message boards to notify drivers of anticipated traffic holdups at rail crossings. When a train is anticipated to cross, the sign will display a message to let motorists know, allowing them time to change their route.

“London will be among the first cities in Canada to use electronic signage like this ahead of rail crossings,” said Jon Kostyniuk, the city's traffic and transportation engineer. “With advanced warning of when trains are crossing, road users can better navigate around any potential delays at the rail tracks.”

At this point, only the Adelaide Street rail crossing south of Oxford Street will be equipped with the signage. The message boards have been placed well in advance of the tracks, the city said. Drivers are asked not to use residential streets as a way of navigating around rail crossings.

The pilot project, which was funded through Innovative Solutions Canada, will run for three months. The city will then assess how the signs could be utilized in the future.

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