Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to a crowd at Western University's Alumni Hall, January 13, 2017. (Photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn News)Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to a crowd at Western University's Alumni Hall, January 13, 2017. (Photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn News)

Trudeau urges Canadians to stay home

As the spread of COVID-19 continues, Canada's prime minister is urging people to stay home if at all possible.

Justin Trudeau spoke to the nation again on Tuesday morning, a day after announcing that his government was closing the border to all non-Canadian citizens, with an exception for U.S. citizens.

He opened his remarks by thanking the legions of health care workers that are being stretched to the limit by the pandemic. But he added Canadians should do more than just say thanks.

"Let's also do what we can to lighten their load," he said. "In her update on Monday, Dr. Tam was clear about what we should and shouldn't be doing. Do wash your hands often. Do sneeze into your elbow. And don't gather in groups of more than 50 people. These measures, especially social distancing, are how we can ease the burden on our doctors and nurses, so they can focus on our fellow Canadians who need it most."

Trudeau urged Canadians to avoid going out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, saying now is the time to find another way to celebrate, preferably at home.

The prime minister also announced that Parks Canada is suspending visitor services at all National Parks and historic sites.

"Pretty much anything with a door, will be closed," Trudeau said of Parks Canada's operations.

Prime Minister Trudeau added that the government is considering a brief recall of Parliament in order to pass legislation that will provide financial support to Canadian businesses. An announcement on economic support will come on Wednesday, the Prime Minister said.

"We must all work together," he said. "Bottom line is this: each one of us can make choices that help the people around us. Each of us can make decisions that save lives."

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