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Union calls for library re-opening

The union representing library workers in Chatham-Kent has started a campaign to reopen branches across the municipality.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) said Chatham-Kent is still keeping many library branches closed even though several municipalities around Ontario have opened their libraries "far more broadly" than CK. Ontario is in Phase 2 of re-opening, which allows libraries to provide curbside pickup, home service, limited on-site services, and online services.

"Let Mayor Canniff and Council know that you value library services in Chatham-Kent!" CUPE Ontario said.

All eleven branches of Chatham-Kent Public Library (CKPL) closed their doors on March 14 due to the COVID-19 emergency order issued by the province. The provincial government has allowed libraries to provide curbside pickup as of May 19. As of June 12, libraries were allowed to provide home service and limited on-site services. Currently, CKPL is only providing curbside pickup at four branches (Chatham, Wallaceburg, Tilbury, and Ridgetown), leaving seven communities too far from library services. CUPE Ontario said a large portion of CKPL’s collection remains inaccessible even for those who have access to curbside pickup because material at closed branches is not accessible and it is not travelling between branches.

"Despite the go ahead by the provincial government to allow certain library services, less than half of CKPL staff are back to work, leaving Chatham-Kent without access to valuable services," said the union. "This is unacceptable. Libraries and library staff are vital to the community, and they are especially valuable during these trying times to support the mental, emotional, and social well-being of Chatham-Kent residents. Library services should not be cut to save the municipality money during the pandemic."

The union said library staff can provide library services from all library locations in Chatham-Kent while following the current provincial orders and direction from CK Public Health.

CUPE Ontario represents several thousand library workers across Ontario.

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