Dr. Christopher Anjema. (Photo from https://anjemaeyeinstitute.com/about-aei/)Dr. Christopher Anjema. (Photo from https://anjemaeyeinstitute.com/about-aei/)

Chatham doctor to get hearing for alleged misconduct

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) will hold a hearing to address recent misconduct allegations against a Chatham-based eye doctor.

Ophthalmologist Dr. Christopher Anjema is being investigated by the CPSO for "engaging in an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional."

It is also alleged that Dr. Anjema engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct in that he engaged in inappropriate submissions of claims and/or billing to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), and/or to patients, and/or inappropriate ordering or conducting of tests and investigations.

The allegations follow a report in the Toronto Star that revealed Anjema billed roughly $4.1 million to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan in 2017-2018 and roughly $31 million since 2011.

Anjema stepped down as the head of the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance's ophthalmology department in July, but it has not been confirmed if that was due to the Star's report or the recent investigation by the CPSO.

On Tuesday, the CPSO posted to its website that a hearing will take place at its headquarters in Toronto at a date that had not been confirmed as of press time.

If a guilty verdict is determined by the College, Anjema could face a fine of no more than $35,000 in addition to having his license suspended with certain conditions, or revoked.

"If Dr. Anjema does not attend the meeting, the discipline panel may proceed in his absence and he will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceeding," stated the hearing notice from the college of physicians.

On Thursday, a media spokesperson from Anjema's office, Bob Picard, provided Blackburn News with a statement in response to the investigation and the upcoming hearing.

"Dr. Anjema will continue to fully cooperate with the college, participate in its panel and attend its hearing, which is the appropriate forum to address these matters in detail," said Picard, in the statement. "The doctor hopes that these proceedings will be scheduled as soon as possible so that he can provide comprehensive facts regarding the allegations, which he is confident will result in an evidence-based outcome in the interests of the thousands of patients he is proud to serve in Chatham-Kent."

Picard added The Anjema Eye Institute provides global-standard quality eye care in Ontario using state-of-the-art technology for compassionate and timely vision-saving treatment.

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