Pelissier St. Parking Garage in downtown Windsor, June 10, 2015. (Photo by Mike Vlasveld)Pelissier St. Parking Garage in downtown Windsor, June 10, 2015. (Photo by Mike Vlasveld)

Tenants Of Pelissier Garage Looking For More Time

Tenants at the Pelissier St. Parking Garage will have another 30 days to find new properties before they will be forced to vacate their current space.

They requested an extension until the end of 2017 from Windsor City Council but the motion put forward by Councillor Rino Bortolin did not pass Monday night.

"We're not happy, I understand the business equation that they want more parking spaces. Well fine and dandy but to put us out to the curb in such a short period of time? They're not buying homes in 60 days or 90 days," says Bob Williams of Windsor Pride.

Windsor Pride and Yousseff Hair Boutique are the two remaining tenants in the parking garage. Both say they have had difficulty locating a downtown space that will fit their needs.

"There are certain situations where there are not lifts or elevators in some of these buildings. There's lots of beautiful second floor space but they have stairwells," says Williams.

Council made the decision to revert the spaces back to parking in November 2016. At that time tenants were told they had six months to vacate the space. That has now been extended to June 30, 2017.

"Do something more than 30 days. They haven't even got a contractor in place. What the heck is that about? We need a hell of a lot more going on and we need our councillors to bet behind us," says Williams.

City engineering staff say they will be issuing an RFP for construction shortly and hope to have a contractor selected by the middle of June. Renovations will begin as soon as the contractor is selected.

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