Essex Councillor Sherry Bondy speaks to the crowd at Harrow District High School at a public input session on March 2, 2015. (Photo by Ricardo Veneza)Essex Councillor Sherry Bondy speaks to the crowd at Harrow District High School at a public input session on March 2, 2015. (Photo by Ricardo Veneza)

What's Next For Harrow High?

Resigned that Harrow District High School will close at the end of June, an Essex town councillor wants to know what the community thinks should be the building's next chapter.

"A food bank, or a foot-care clinic, maybe some private businesses," says Sherry Bondy. "Our opinion from the Harrow High School committee is that the building is pretty sound."

Bondy says the town needs a plan.

"We have enough buildings, so we need plans if we're going to acquire more," says Bondy adding the town may be interested in the ball diamonds and walking track on the property.

The meeting is Wednesday, May 25 at 6pm at the Camoes Portuguese Club in Harrow.

Back in October, the Greater Essex County District School Board opted to close the school as part of a programs and accommodation review in the southern end of Essex County.

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