Female blacklegged ticks in various stages of feeding. Note the change in size and colour. Photo courtesy of http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/Female blacklegged ticks in various stages of feeding. Note the change in size and colour. Photo courtesy of http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/

Three Ticks in Huron County Have Lyme Disease Bacteria

A tick survey in Huron County turned up three blacklegged ticks with the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

Huron County Public Health Inspector Keshia Hackett says in all, 69 of the 170 ticks collected were of the blacklegged variety.

The health unit reminds residents to check for ticks after being outdoors in a grassy area.

The bacteria first showed up in ticks in the county last year.

Lyme disease can be a serious illness, and is spread to humans by the bite of an infected tick.

To prevent tick bites:

Wear light-coloured clothing. It makes ticks easier to spot.

Wear closed footwear and socks, a long sleeved shirt and long pants. Tuck your pants into your socks.

Use a tick repellant that has been approved by Health Canada, following the manufacturer s directions.

Search your body for ticks at least once a day if you have been in an area where you might get bitten by ticks. Pay special attention to the scalp, groin and armpits.

If you find a tick on your body, remove it with tweezers. Grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible. Pull it straight out, gently but firmly. Save the tick in a jar or screw-top bottle if you can and take it to your doctor or your local health unit, where it will be submitted for identification and testing if warranted.

If you have been in an area known to contain blacklegged ticks or have been bitten by a tick, watch for the following symptoms:

Fever Headache Muscle and joint pains Fatigue Skin rash that may resemble a bull s eye

If you have any of these symptoms, let your healthcare provider know immediately.

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