Lawn sprinkler. © Can Stock Photo / rookman48Lawn sprinkler. © Can Stock Photo / rookman48

Saugeen Shores Lifts Watering Ban

Another dousing of heavy rain Monday and overnight is prompting Saugeen Shores to lift it a temporary watering ban.

In a news release, the municipality says the ban was put in place because of hot, dry weather and an unsustainable increase in water usage.

The town continues to encourage people to conserve water and refrain from unnecessarily watering lawns, filling pools and washing cars.

There are still regular watering restrictions in place.

Odd numbered properties are allowed to water lawns on odd-numbered days, even-numbered properties on even numbered days.

All lawn watering is to be done between 7am to 9am or 7pm to 9pm.

Watering by a sandpoint or well still requires a permit.

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