
Dundalk Arena Gets New Floor Using Grant From Tire Stewardship

Dundalk's Community Centre and Arena has received a grant to help replace the arena floor.

The Grant comes from Ontario Tire Stewardship, which helps recycle and reuse the over 12 million tires sold annually in Ontario.

Director of Programs and Education, Claudia Hawkins, says their focus is helping communities see the benefits of recycling efforts by improving public spaces.  "The real focus for us is to help show communities the benefit of being environmentally conscious, through the recycling and reuse of tires, and to help put that reusable product to use in their community. So it's really showing communities that there's an economic benefit to being environmentally friendly."

The OTS awards up to $50,000 to an eligible community that wants to upgrade a community space, and gets help from the OTS to put use to the recycled tire material to benefit that space.

Dundalk was one the 2015 grant recipients.     2016 applications are open on the OTS website, www.rethinktires.ca, and they will close July 31st.

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