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Free Vision Screening for Preschoolers

A new, free vision-screening program for toddlers, called iSee, aims to check the eyesight of 5,000 children in London over the next three years.

Beginning Monday July 6, St. Joseph's Ivy Eye Institute will offer a city-wide program to screen the vision of children aged two and three-and-a-half at Childreach, 265 Maitland St..  Local experts estimate up to 10% of preschoolers don't see clearly. Screening takes a few seconds and is done with a special digital camera. No drops or air puffs are needed.

Appointments are available Mondays, 12:30pm-3pm and Wednesdays 9:30am-12:00pm (excluding stats). The iSee program will also be taken to some daycare centres across the city.

The following are signs that may indicate a vision problem:

· Sitting close to the TV · Holding a book too close · Squinting · Tilting their head · Frequently rubbing eyes · Has a short attention span for the child’s age · Has an eye that turns in or out · Is sensitive to light · Has difficulty with eye-hand-body coordination when playing ball · Avoids coloring activities, puzzles and other detailed activities


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