Photo by gendaken via FlickrPhoto by gendaken via Flickr

Risk Of Flooding Low As Temperatures Rise

Environment Canada forecasts a mild week with a high of 5C on Monday and up to 9C by Wednesday.

As temperatures rise and the snow pack starts to melt, officials at the Upper Thames Valley Conservation Authority are keeping a close eye on the watershed.

No major flooding is expected, but rivers and streams will swell in the coming days as the temperature moves above the zero mark for the first time in month.

"There's less connection than you would think between the amount of snow and the amount of flooding. It all depends on a combination of factors, like how warm it gets, how long it stays warm, whether it stays cool over night and how much rain we get at the same time," says Water Resources Engineer Mark Helsten. "We're not expecting to see too much in the way of the snow actually releasing any water. What it will do is it will compact and hold it's own water. Snow acts like a large sponge, so as it gets warm it melts and holds water and then eventually as it gets warm it can't do that anymore, and that's when it will let go."

Helsten says they have been out measuring the snow pack and the water level across the region.

He expects the majority of the snow to disappear and the watershed to be at its highest near the first week of April.

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