Chatham-Kent firefighters an representatives from Enbridge hold a cheque, which will go towards buying spare batteries and smoke alarms for area residents, July 27, 2016 (Photo by Jake Kislinsky)Chatham-Kent firefighters an representatives from Enbridge hold a cheque, which will go towards buying spare batteries and smoke alarms for area residents, July 27, 2016 (Photo by Jake Kislinsky)

Firefighters Hope to Double Alarm Checks In 2016

CK firefighters are taking a less-intrusive approach to checking smoke and CO alarms this year.

After checking 4,500 homes for working detectors in 2015, they hope to check 9,000 by the end of this year.

To reach their target, CK Fire Public Educator Whitney Burke says they'll leave door hangers on area homes, offering free checks anytime.

"Because we're not knocking on every door, it's cut our time in half and made us much more efficient in terms of reaching all those homes," says Burke.

This shift to leaving reminders looks to offer homeowners flexibility for the checks, allowing residents to request for inspections at their convenience.

"Absolutely no tickets or fines will be handed out," adds Burke. "We're in the community just making sure everybody's home is safe, that their alarms are working... and just educate the public."

Burke says firefighters will also check if homes have escape plans if a fire occurs.

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