Mosquito larvae are pulled from a creek at Ojibway Park in Windsor to inspect for West Nile Virus, July 4, 2014. (photo by Mike Vlasveld)Mosquito larvae are pulled from a creek at Ojibway Park in Windsor to inspect for West Nile Virus, July 4, 2014. (photo by Mike Vlasveld)

First Human West Nile Case

Windsor-Essex has its first confirmed human case of the West Nile virus this year.

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit says most people with the virus never develop symptoms and don't know they have it.

About 25% of those with the virus develop a West Nile fever, officials say, and less than 1% develop severe neuro-invasive disease.

Officials won't comment on how this patient is doing, but do say most see a full recovery.

The health unit is reminding residents to remove standing water around their home and take protective measures against mosquito bites. Since June 24, the health unit says 13 mosquito pools have tested positive for West Nile in the region.

The amount of cases has been declining over the years. In 2012, 22 cases were confirmed, while in 2013 that dropped to five and last year only one was reported.

Warmer weather and increased precipitation are ideal conditions for mosquito populations to grow, officials say.

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